How Graves Registration works in Action
Sergeant Peter F. Slusarczyk, 603d QM Graves Registration Company, is identifying a dead soldier on Omaha Beach June 12th 1944. Later, Sgt. Slusarczyk had to identify his own brother amongst the dead in Normandy. During the battles of Tunesia and Sicily, a chaplain served as Graves Registration Officer for the 9th Infantry Division. For his […]
How V Corps handled graves registration in French Invasion
Pvt. Alfonton Ortega, member of Quartermaster Graves Registration, painting the crosses for use in an American military cemetery somewhere in France. (Picture recolored by Jecinci recolorization) The method of using Quartermaster Graves Registration and Service troops described in this article is not claimed to be original, or practical in every type of operation. It’s presented […]